Web Hosting Figma UI Template

Advanced web hosting Ui Figma template



This Web UI template is designed to help developers and web designers quickly create modern and customizable web hosting sites. With an intuitive user interface, this Figma UI Template allows you to easily edit or customize the look and feel of your websites. The template features different page layouts, custom widgets, color themes, and fonts. Additionally, it also includes an optional theme editor so that you can make changes to the design without having to worry about coding. This template allows for quick and easy experimentation, reducing the amount of time it takes to create a beautiful website. Create your own web hosting site with this Web UI Figma Tempale.

  • Amazing Web Screens
  • Modern Layout Desgine
  • Global Style Guide
  • Neatly & Organized Layout 
  • Customizable 
  • Compatibility: Figma


Price : $20

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Category :

Web UI

Published :

2023-03-23 14:01:11

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File size :

43.7 MB