Online Learning

6 useful tips for being a productive course creator


[[Show a clean and organized academic workspace with a desk, computer, books, and research materials]]


6 useful tips for being a productive course creator

Creating a course is a hard job in this world of e-learning, but it is also a good way to make money by sitting at home. Every day, someone new is joining this profession of course creation, and of course, it is no matter of shame if you don't know a single thing about course creation. This post is for you. 

Why is course creation the next big thing?
Only some people can join an offline course, as it's hard for many to join the class in person at a particular time. But if a course is available online where you pay a small amount and get access to a lot of premium stuff along with that course, then people will jump on to get that, right? That's why course creation is becoming the next big thing. 

People will choose something easily if it is available before anything else. People may accomplish their goals more quickly and easily with online courses. And you will be considered successful when your students refer your courses to others. 

How to become a proactive course creator 
There may not be any real secrets to being a great course creator, but there are undoubtedly successful creators who use effective tactics. The following advice can help you stand out and improve your chances of success: 

1. Offering a course based on demand 
First of all, you need to research which course is in high demand now and less competition at the same time. You can't just offer a course you know little about just because it has demand. Making an online course is quite time-consuming, and it will be even more draining if your course has no appeal.  

If there is a demo or pre-sale mode for your course, you will understand if you should approach that particular course or not. You should choose a course you will love to teach and has some demand in today's market.

2. Comprehensive market research 
Recognize the wants, preferences, and problems of your target audience. Conduct thorough market research to find out what courses are already available in your industry and how to set yours apart. Courses with some real-life value to them will gain more attention from students. The things that you can do to have very good market research are-

-asking queries in forums or researching the readers of your blog.
-Investigate other educators, mentors, and businesspeople in the same industry.
-Make sure you have a sizable audience by checking platforms.

3. Creating high-quality, understandable content 
Remembering that different types of people will see your content would be best. So, you need to make your content in a way that many people will understand. When you start to work on your content, there should be nothing in your brain except the content you create. Making your material educational, interesting, and concise will need a major time and effort investment. 

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Now, come to the point of quality. Your production level should be something other than basic. Your course wouldn't be free. People will pay a certain amount to get access to your course. So, it would be best if you didn't hesitate to provide your students with the best quality content. 

It would help to have a good HD camera to make your video clear and high quality. The other important thing you need to keep in mind is the lighting. There are cheaper but better quality light setups available in the market. You have to check for yourself. The other basic things you need to know are editing software, green screen, etc. 

4. Including interactive content and examples 
Including visuals helps the students understand a lot better. Suppose you are just reading a slide. Students will only remember a few terms from the slides, but they will memorize them better if you add visual representation (such as videos, photos, illustrations, etc.). 

Moreover, you can include interactive content such as after you are done with one topic, you can add a poll based on what you taught or have an option of commenting so that the students can ask questions. 

[[image of individuals or groups of academics actively engaged in tasks]]

The one thing you must do is use some real-life examples. Examples help the students understand the topic better as they can relate to the example somehow. 

5. Pricing strategy 
Now that you have established a course, the question that will cross your mind is how much you should charge for your course. The pricing is mostly trial-and-error until you determine the perfect course price. 

These are the things that will determine the pricing for your course-

- How much you invest in developing, hosting, and promoting the course
- Comparable prices
- Income range of your intended audience. 

Here are some easy ways you can structure your payment methods when you sell the courses:-

- lifelong access to the course for a single, one-time payment
- Less expensive ongoing membership costs, usually referred to as monthly payments
- a payment schedule that allows customers to stretch out a one-time expense across some instalments.
All you have to do now is to figure out what kind of payment method and cost you are going for. 

6. Engage with your audience. 

Having a community is a very vital part of any case. So, in creating courses, creating a community should be considered. Engage your audience directly on social media, email, or online forums. Answer inquiries, offer assistance, and foster a feeling of community.

A student can share their struggles, achievements or life experiences or even ask a question in an active community, and that's a great way to inspire them. Your students will find like-minded people in a community, motivating them to learn. Some LMSs might not have a community, but it should be fine, as you can build a community on any social media.

Being a course creator means you are an online businessman. So you have to treat it like a business and do things you would have done in a business, such as creating a model, setting a goal, etc. The tips mentioned above will be a great guideline for you, but eventually, you will understand your flow and become a successful course creator. 

Writer's profile
Nafisa Mehreen
Content creator at CreativeItem

Nafisa is an accomplished writer with great knowledge in the technology world and computer science. Her hobbies are reading books and coding. Her expertise lies in writing comprehensive and engaging reviews. She is always picking up new skills. She likes to dedicate herself to excellence through skills and teamwork.