Add listings

Your agents can add their listings to your application. They can also update their listing info, and hide, or remove their listing anytime.

To add a listing, your agent can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application as an agent.
  • Click on the "Create listing" button.
  • Add property title and type.
  • Set the listing type.
  • Add description.
  • Set a price.
  • Add the visibility status.
  • Add a country, state, and city.
  • Provide address.
  • Add postal code and latitude and longitude.
  • Set the location on the map.
  • Click on the "Save address" button.

Managing listings:

Your agents can follow the steps to manage their listings below.

  • Log in to the application as an agent.
  • Click on the "My listing" button.
  • Select a listing from the list and click on the "Actions" button.
  • Select an option. [You can update your listing info, hide or remove listing]

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