How to download Creative Elements subscription licenses?

Users with Creative Elements subscription licenses can use our resources without substantiation, and these will stay active long after your Premium subscription has ended.

Please remember to download and save the licensing PDF files while your subscription is active, as you will not be able to download them again once your membership has expired.

Once you have paid your subscription and downloaded from Creative Elements, you have many options for downloading the PDF licensing of the resources:

  • When you download the resource from Creative Element, the system will remind you to download the PDF license document from our website as well.
  • When you download a resource, you will receive a ZIP file including a TXT file named "License" which contains directions for downloading the license documents as well as some relevant information. Please keep in mind that this TXT file is not the license and that you must still download the official PDF document.
  • You can also grab the licenses from your account's Downloads tab. Navigate to your profile (top right corner of the screen) and choose "Downloads" from the menu bar.

Please save all of the licenses you have downloaded to ensure the security of your use of our resources since you will only be allowed to download the licensing documents during your premium membership session, not after it has expired.

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