Prohibited Usage of Items

While Creative Elements subscription customers are permitted to use objects for the majority of reasons, there are a few exceptions. The following is a non-exhaustive list of what users cannot use downloaded materials. Make sure to read the entire licensing conditions for more information.

Prohibited Usage Summary:

  • No item redistribution, even with modifications: Creative Elements items may not be resold (for free users or a subscribed user) as stock, in tools or templates, or with source files. Even with minor changes, you cannot redistribute our resources on their own or in combination with other resources. Fonts and add-ons cannot be made into derivatives.

  • Items cannot be used in On-Demand, Made-to-Order, or Build-It-Yourself applications: Items on Creative Elements are not available as on-demand services (e.g. a site where a customer customizes a design of a t-shirt for order). This usage is forbidden, regardless of whether the ultimate result is a digital or physical product.

  • No Use in Merchandising Where the Main Value is the Item Itself: You cannot use an item as merchandise, where the main value (such as a t-shirt design) is the item itself. Items can be used in marketing if they are included in a bigger final product and/or considerably changed.

  • No Use in Merchandising Where the Item Is the Main Value: You cannot commercially utilize an item if the primary importance is the item itself (such as a t-shirt design). Items can be used in marketing if they are included in a major final product and/or considerably changed.

  • Items Incorporated Into End-Products Cannot be Extracted or Used Separately: End-product items cannot be extracted or utilized separately from the end product. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent this from happening and inform any client whom the project is for of their responsibilities concerning this.

  • End-product components cannot be extracted or used separately: It is not permitted to extract or use materials incorporated into final goods independently from the end product. You must take all reasonable precautions to avoid this from happening, and you must notify any customer for whom the project is being completed of their commitments in this regard.

  • There are no copyright or service mark rights for items included in the finished product: You cannot proclaim copyright or service mark rights for any component that is incorporated in the finished product that utilizes those elements. They must be prohibited from acquiring copyright or service mark rights for the finished product.

  • One Account One User: You are not allowed to share your user account information with anybody else, even within the same organization or business. No information or items can be shared. Items installed (such as fonts or add-ons) are only available to you (the subscriber). It is not possible to transfer the typeface or add-on to another user (except in the case of web fonts where different terms apply).

  • Items can be utilized Only for Ethical Purposes: Creative Item's resources can only be used for legal reasons. Items are not to be used in any content that is vulgar, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or humiliating, or that encourages discrimination. You may not utilize items in a way that establishes a false identity, indicates the person's endorsement of a product, or is associated with sensitive themes.

  • You can not claim ownership of any resource in Creative Element: Each Item's owner keeps the copyright. Even if an Item has been updated, you cannot claim ownership of it. Even if an item is included in a finished product, you cannot claim ownership of it.

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