Ekattor 7

70 Articles

Addon manager

Addons enhance the features, ability, productivity and make your school more competent. There are lots of addons available online for Ekattor.

In this school management system, only superadmin and admin can monitor and activate the addons. You have to navigate:

  • Log in to the user panel.
  • Select the "Back office" option from the left menu.
  • Click the "Addon manager" option from the sub-menu.

Introducing Addons Manager

Figure 1. Ekattor ERP Installed Addons Manager List

To enhance new features by addons to your school, click the "Add new addon" option.

Note: Make sure that you have enabled the ZIP extension on your server.

Adding New Addon

Figure 2. Ekattor ERP Adding New Addon

In the new form, you have to upload the new addons zip file from your device. Then select the "Install addon" button.

Note: After purchasing the addon, you have to extract the zip file and select the inner zip file to upload.

Installing Addon

Figure 3. Ekattor ERP Installing Addon

In this panel, you can:

  • Overview addons name, status, version.
  • Deactivate or remove any addon from the "Option" button.

After selecting your action, click the "Continue" button to confirm your activity. 

Addons Option

Figure 4. Ekattor ERP Managing Addon

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