Ekattor 7

70 Articles

Yearly session

A school operates according to the session, and this session will change according to the year. Every year is a different session. Only superadmin and admin can add, update, remove, and activate the session in this school management system. As a superadmin or admin, you have to navigate:

  • Log in to the user panel.
  • Select the "Back office" option from the left menu.
  • Click the "Session" option from the sub-menu.

Introducing Back Office Academic Session

Figure 1. Ekattor ERP Academic Session

To add a new session to your school, you have to select the "Add session" button. 

Addding Session

Figure 2. Ekattor ERP Adding New Session

Provide a new session title in the form and select the "Create session" option to confirm.

Creating Session

Figure 3. Ekattor ERP Saving New Session

To active a session, you have to select a year and click on the "Activate" button to operate a session.

Actaviting A Sesion

Figure 3. Ekattor ERP Activating a Session

You can also see the session title, status, and option bar in this panel. To update a session, you can follow the steps below:

  • Choose the "Edit" button from the "Option." 
  • Update the information. 

To finalize your information, click on the "Update session" option.

Updating Session

Figure 4. Ekattor ERP Updating Session

You can also remove the session. Select the "Delete" button from the "Option" and choose the "Continue" button for confirmation.

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