Ekattor 7

70 Articles

Multi school

In Ekattor, you can use this addon to manage multiple branches of a school. After configuration, it will enhance the opportunity to create any number of school branches. You can switch to a single school anytime to manage the specific school data. 

To install this addon on your application, you have to navigate:

  • Before installing the process, we highly recommend you check your application version. For this, you have to navigate to the "About" section from the "Settings" button.

Check Update Ekattor Addon

Figure 1. Ekattor ERP Checking Application Version

  • If you are running the mentioned version, then you are ready to install this addon. 
  • Download the addon you want to install on your application from Codecanyon.
  • Unzip the downloaded file.
  • You will get two folders inside the file. One for documentation and the other for the addon folder.
  • Do not try to remove or rename any folder.
  • Go back to the application and log in as an admin.
  • Select the "Back office" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Addon manager" option from the sub-menu.
  • Click on the "Add new addon."

Installing A Addon Ekattor

Figure 2. Ekattor ERP Adding New Addons

  • Provide the purchase code.
  • Upload the zip file from your device.
  • Click on the "Install addon" button.
  • You will get a success message notification.

To manage this addon, you have to navigate:

  • Log in to the superadmin panel.
  • Select the "Back office" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "School manager" option from the sub-menu.

Introducing School Manager

Figure 3. Ekattor ERP Multi School Manager 

In this panel, you can:

  • Add new school
  • Modify the data of the brach school
  • Remove school
  • List of brach school
  • Address 
  • Phone number of the school

To add a new branch of the school, you have to select the "Add school" button.

Creating Branch School

Figure 4. Ekattor ERP Adding New School

In this panel, you have to provide:

  • School name
  • School address
  • School phone number

After that, you have to choose the "Create school" button to save your data.

Adding School

Figure 5. Ekattor ERP Saving New School

You can change the activation status in this panel by clicking the "Active" button from "Option."

Activation Status

Figure 6. Ekattor ERP  School Activition Status

To update the branch school information, you have to navigate:

  • Select branch school.
  • Click on the "Edit" button from the "Option."


Now, you have to update:

  • School name
  • School address
  • School phone number

After that, you have to choose the "Edit school" button to save your data.

Editing School

Figure 7. Ekattor ERP Editing School Information

Choose the "Delete" button from "Option" to remove a brunch school and select the "Continue" button to save your data.

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