In Ekattor, you can add addons to enhance the features of your school, and the "Student assignment" addon is one of them. Your teacher can provide assignments, marks, comments, preview, modify, and delete assignments with this addon. Also, your students can submit the assignment, answer the questions, upload the file and preview their marks, comments.
To enhance this feature, you have to install the addon on your application. Now, you have to follow the easy steps to install the addon below:
For this, your teacher has to navigate:
To add a new assignment, they have to click the "Add assignment" button.
After opening a new form,they have to provide:
Then, select the "Add assignment" button to save the information.
Your instructor's new assignment will show on the "Draft assignment." Here, they can filter the data by providing the required information.
They can also publish, edit, delete, overview, and make questions on the assignment in this panel. For this, your instructors has to navigate:
Click on the "Continue" button for confirmation.
In this panel, your instructors can also make questions for the assignment. For this, they have to select the "Questions" from the "Option" button.
After that, they can create, modify, and remove questions from the assignment.
Now, your instructors have to provide the question, marks, and question type. They can add two types of questions to the assignment. That are:
Select the "Add question" button to save the information.
Your instructor can monitor the assignment by clicking the "Submission" button from the "Action." Here they can overview:
By clicking the "Review" option, they can see the questions and answers. To update or provide comments. For this, they have to select the "Update remark" option.
To modify the questions and marks, They have to navigate:
Select the "Add question" button to save the update.
Select the "Delete" button from "Option" to remove the question and select the "Continue" button to confirm the action.
After publishing an assignment, the assignment will move to the "Published assignment" form. here they can overview:
They can also make the assignments as a draft, create questions, submissions, modify and remove from this "Action" option.
In this "Action" panel, they can:
To modify the assignments, your instructors have to follow the steps:
Now select the "Update assignment" button.
Select "Delete" from "Action." Now, select the "Continue" button to save the data.
Your instructors can see the expired assignment on the "Expired assignment" panel. They can also extend the assignment deadline. For this, they have to navigate Assignment>Expired assignment>Action>Edit. After that, the assignment will add to the "Draft assignment" panel.
Your students can submit the assignment in this school management system. They have to follow the steps below:
Your students can complete your assignment on the "Published assignment" panel. Here, they can "Filter" your assignment by providing the subject and teacher. Also, they can overview:
By selecting the "Open assignment" button, your students can:
After that, they have to choose the "Save" button. To submit the assignment, they have to select the "Submit assignment" button.
Your students can see your assignment result on the "Expired assignment" panel. For this, they have to click the "view result" option.
In this panel, your students can see:
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