Ekattor 7

70 Articles

Zoom live class

In ekattor, this addon enhances the facility for your school teachers to take live video classes on the zoom live streaming service. Inside Ekattor, teachers can take live classes, and students can join the live class inside Ekattor.

To enhance this feature, you have to install the addon on your application. Now, you have to follow the easy steps to install the addon below:

  • Before installing the process, we highly recommend you check your application version. For this, you have to navigate to the "About" section from the "Settings" button.

Check Update Ekattor Addon

Figure 1. Ekattor ERP Checking Application Version

  • If you are running the mentioned version, then you are ready to install this addon. 
  • Download the addon you want to install on your application from Codecanyon.
  • Unzip the downloaded file.
  • You will get two folders inside the file. One for documentation and the other for the addon folder.
  • Do not try to remove or rename any folder.
  • Go back to the application and log in as an admin.
  • Select the "Back office" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Addon manager" option from the sub-menu.
  • Click on the "Add new addon."

Installing A Addon Ekattor

Figure 2. Ekattor ERP Adding New Addon

  • Provide the purchase code.
  • Upload the zip file from your device.
  • Click on the "Install addon" button.
  • You will get a success message notification.

Superadmin's Panel:

After installing this addon, as a superadmin, you have to navigate:

  • Log in to the superadmin panel.
  • Select the "Live class" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Live class settings" option from the sub-menu.

Introducing Admin Live Class

Figure 3. Ekattor ERP Zoom Live Class

Now provide:

  • Zoom API key
  • Zoom secret key

After that, select the "Update live class settings" button for confirmation. 

How to get Zoom API and Secret key

To configure and get the service of Zoom live streaming service, you have to provide the Zoom API key and secret key. For this, please follow the steps below to generate the Zoom API and secret keys.

  • Navigate to the official Zoom marketplace. 
  • Select the "Develop" button from the home page.
  • Click on the "Build App" button.
  • Make sure you are signup or signing in to the official Zoom marketplace.
  • Go to your account.
  • Select the "Solution" button. 
  • Click on the "App marketplace" from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the "Build App" button from the "Develop" menu.
  • Click on the "Create" button in the JWT field.
  • Provide the required information and click on the "Continue" button.
  • You can see your Zoom API key and secret on the "App Credential" page.
  • Copy and paste these keys into your Application.

Teacher's Panel:

Your teacher can:

  • Create a new class
  • Inform students about the class
  • Update/remove live class etc.

For this, your teachers can follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the teacher panel
  2. Select the live class

Introducing Teacher Live Class

Figure 4. Ekattor ERP Zoom Live Class (Teacher)

To add a new live class, your teachers have to select the "Add new" panel. 

Adding New Course Teacher

Figure 5. Ekattor ERP Adding New Zoom Live Class (Teacher)

After opening the form, they have to provide:

  • Live class date
  • Live class time
  • Class 
  • Live class subject
  • Zoom meeting ID
  • Zoom meeting password
  • Attachment (They can select and upload a file from your device)
  • Live class topic

Now, click the "Create meeting" option.

Creating Meeting Teacher

Figure 6. Ekattor ERP Creating Meeting (Teacher)

To update and remove the live class, They have to select the "Your live class" panel.

Your Live Class Teacher

Figure 7. Ekattor ERP Managing Zoom Live Class (Teacher)

In this panel, your teachers can overview:

  • Live class schedule
  • Class
  • Subject
  • Meeting information (They can download the meeting information)
  • "Option" section

Introducing Your Live Class Teacher

Figure 8. Ekattor ERP Zoom Live Class List (Teacher)

To start a live class, your teachers have to select the "Start meeting" button.

Starting Live Class

Figure 9. Ekattor ERP Starting a Zoom Live Class

Your teachers can inform your students about the live class. For this, they have to select the "Notify student" button from "Option."

Informing Live Class

Figure 10. Ekattor ERP Informing Students (Teacher)

Now, they have to provide:

  • Subject
  • Massage

Click the "Send mail" button to inform the students.

Sending Mail

Figure 11. Ekattor ERP Informing Students Through Mail (Teacher)

To update the live class, your teachers have to follow the steps:

  • Choose a class.
  • Select the "Edit" button from "Option."

Now, they have to change:

  • Live class date
  • Live class time
  • Class 
  • Live class subject
  • Zoom meeting ID
  • Zoom meeting password
  • Attachment (They can select and upload a file from your device)
  • Live class topic

After providing the data, click the "Update live class" option.

Update Meeting Teacher

Figure 12. Ekattor ERP Updating Live Class 

To delete a live class, they have to select "Delete" from "Option."

Now, select the "Continue" button to confirm the action.

Student's panel:

Your students have to navigate:

  • Log in to the student panel.
  • Select the "Live class" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Your live class" option from the sub-menu.

Introducing Your Live Class Student

Figure 13. Ekattor ERP Live Class (Student)

In this panel, they can overview:

  • Live class schedule
  • Class
  • Subject
  • Meeting information (Your students can download the meeting information)
  • The "Join" option

They can join an online class by selecting the "Join" option.

Joining Class

Figure 14. Ekattor ERP Joining a Live Class (Student)

How to get Zoom API & secret keys:

To configure and get the service of Zoom live streaming service, you have to provide the Zoom API key and secret key. For this, please follow the steps below to generate the Zoom API and secret keys.

  • Navigate to the official Zoom marketplace. 
  • Select the "Develop" button from the home page.
  • Click on the "Build App" button.
  • Make sure you are signup or sign in to the official Zoom marketplace.
  • Go to your account.
  • Select the "Solution" button. 
  • Click on the "App marketplace" from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the "Build App" button from the "Develop" menu.
  • Click on the "Create" button in the JWT field.
  • Provide required information and click on the "Continue" button.
  • You can see your Zoom API key and secret on the "App Credential" page.
  • Copy and paste these keys into your Application.

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