Ekattor 7

70 Articles

Exam terms

The examination is a great way to evaluate what the students have learned concerning particular subjects, and it shows the path of learning. This exam system has an essential role in the process of education and the entire educational institute. There are few things in the examination system. They are -

  • Marks
  • Exams
  • Grades
  • Promotions


Mark is a score in the form of a number, percentage, or letter that a teacher gives a student's in the examination. In Ekattor, superadmin, admin, and teacher can provide marks, add comments and take action on marks. Parents and students have the authority to overview marks from their accounts.


In this school management system, superadmin and admin can add new exams. Also, they can update the exam name, starting date, ending date, and erase the exam. Teachers, parents, and students can watch this panel.


Only grades can define a student's marks in the examination. Superadmin and admin can add new grades, points, and ranges. Only students and parents have permission to overview the grades in Ekattor.


After completing a session in an educational institute, students get a promotion to enroll next session. It's a part of the examination system, and a student has to achieve suitable marks to get a promotion. In Ekattor, only superadmin and admin can enroll in a new session or promote a student.

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