
66 Articles

How to manage page album

Only the page admin can create and manage the page album. In Sociopro, a page is a public platform, any user of your application can see the page albums and photos. Users can also download, comment, or react with emojis to the photo album from the page if they want.

How to create a group album:

Only the page admin can create the page album in Sociopro. To add uploaded page photos to the albums, the page admin has to create an album. For this, the page admin can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application.
  • Go to the "Page" option from the left menu.
  • Select a page from the list.
  • Clicks on the "Photos" option. (The page admin can find the "Photo" option at the bottom of the cover photo)
  • Click on the "Create album" option box to create a new album.

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  • Add album title, sub-title, and thumbnail.
  • Click on the "Create" button to save the album.

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The page album has been created successfully.

How to add an image to the page album:

The page admin can also add their page images from their devices to the albums. For this, they can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application.
  • Go to the "Page" option from the left menu.
  • Select a page from the list.
  • Clicks on the "Photos" option. (Users can find the "Photo" option at the bottom of the cover photo)
  • Select the "Add Photo/Album" button.

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  • Choose an album.
  • Upload images.
  • Click on the "Create" option.

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