
66 Articles

Post management (Profile)

A Sociopro profile is a particularly personal page of a user. This is where a Sociopro user can upload posts, images, and videos, create albums, start live videos, tag, manage friends, and provide personal information. So the other users or friends of the application can react, share, or comment on the posts. 

Creating a post: (text)

To create a text post, users can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Sociopro. 
  • Click on the "Post box." (A user can find this post box on the top of the profile) 

Sociopro Profile 1

  • Users can write down what they want to share.
  • Choose the privacy of the post (Users can make their posts public or only friends)
  • Click on the "Post" button.

Sociopro Profile 2

Creating a post: (Images or videos)

To create an image or video post, users can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Sociopro. 
  • Click on the "Post box." 

Sociopro Profile 1

  • Choose the privacy of the post (Users can make their posts public or only friends)
  • Select the "Photo/video" option. (Users can upload their photos or videos from their devices)
  • Click on the "Post" button.

Sociopro Profile 3

Sharing feelings/activities:

Users can also share their feelings/activities from their profiles. Other users can react or these kinds of posts if they want. To share feelings/activities users can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Sociopro. 
  • Select the "Post box" option.

Sociopro Profile 1

  • Click on the "Feelings/Activities" option.
  • Choose the privacy of the post (Users can make their posts public or only friends)
  • Add any details if the users want to share.
  • Choose the feelings or activities users want to share.
  • Click on the "Publish" button.

Sociopro Profile 4

Sharing location:

Users can also share their location on Sociopro. Other users can react or these kinds of posts if they want. To share the location users can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Sociopro. 
  • Select the "Post box" option.

Sociopro Profile 1

  • Click on the "Location" option.
  • Choose the privacy of the post (Users can make their posts public or only friends)
  • Add any details if the users want to share.
  • Choose the location from the map
  • Click on the "Publish" button.

Sociopro Profile 5

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