
66 Articles

Page creating

In Sociopro, the page is a platform where artists, public figures, businesses, brands, and organizations can connect with their followers or customers. If a user likes or follows a page on Sociopro, they will be seeing the updated post, events, and news in their timeline.

Sociopro offers users to create multiple pages from an account. Within a few minutes, users can create pages on Sociopro. To create a page, users can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application.
  • Go to the "Page" option from the left menu.
  • Click on the "Create Page" button to add a new page.

Sociopro Page Create 1

  • Add the page and choose the category (The admin can create the category from their account)
  • Write down the description on the "Page bio" option.
  • Upload an image for the page. (Users can upload the image from their device)

Sociopro Page Create 2

The page has been created successfully.

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