Customer booking requests

Your customers can manage the booking requests of their users. They can approve, mark it as pending, or delete their booking requests. Their users can set time, date, and service according to the business.

To manage the bookings requests, your customer can navigate:

  •  Log in to the website as a customer.
  • Select the "Bookings requests" option from the left menu.
  • Click on the "Hotel/Restaurant/Beauty" option from the sub-menu. (Choose any business you want)

Atlas Booking Request Customer

Figure 1. Atlas Customer's Booking Request

Approving/Pending requests

When your customer's user orders/books any service or product, it will be displayed on your customer's list as pending. They can mark it as approved or delete the request. To approve the request, your customer can:

  • Select a request.
  • Click on the "Approved" button.

Atlas User Booking Request 1

Figure 2. Atlas Approve a request

Your customer can also change pending requests from the approved ones. For this, they can:

  • Choose an approved request.
  • Click on the "Pending" button.

Atlas User Booking Request 2

Figure 3. Atlas Pending A Request

Deleting a request

To delete a request, your customer can navigate:

  • Select a request from the list.
  • Click on the "Delete" button.

Atlas User Request Deleting

Figure 4. Atlas Deleting A Request

  • Again click on the "Delete" button for confirmation.

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