Customer's account management

Your customers can manage their profiles in Atlas. They can update personal information, and profile images. They can also update their passwords here.

To update the personal information and password, your customers can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the website as a customer.
  • Click on the "Account" option from the left menu.
  • Provide user name.
  • Update user email.
  • Provide phone number.
  • Update social media URL (Your customer can upload their Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin account)
  • Provide the user's address.
  • Add a description of the user.
  • Upload user profile image and background (Your customers can upload their images from their profile)
  • Click on the "Update profile" button to save their personal information.

Atlas Updating Customer Profile

Figure 1. Atlas Updating Customer's Information

To update the application password, your customer has to provide the information below:

  • Provide the current password.
  • Add a new password.
  • Again provide the new password for confirmation.
  • Click on the "Update password" button to save the password.

Atlas Updating Customer Password

Figure 2. Atlas Updating Application Password

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