Ekattor 8

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Ekattor 8 Student Mobile App

Enhance and streamline the curriculum for your students with the smartphone. Creativeitem integrated student mobile app in Ekattor 8 Application. Your students can keep track of their upcoming exams including their daily attendance, exam results, a list of required readings, information about their teachers, and much more with the Ekattor 8 student mobile application.

How it works

Here is the workflow of the Ekattor 8 student mobile application below:

  1. Make sure you are running the Ekattor 8 web on your server.

  2. Purchase Ekattor 8 student mobile app.

  3. Configure the application on visual code and build.

  4. Distribute your mobile app to the students.

  5. Students have to download and install the app on their devices

  6. Your students will always be updated on the academic curriculum through the mobile application.

How to Download & Install the Student Mobile Application?


Students can either get the download link from their administration website or download the Ekattor 8 Application from the Google Play Store or the App Store. The website administrator will determine how to distribute the application file.


After downloading the app, students must set it up on their phones. They have to enter the information from the profile that their admin established to access their accounts.

Ekattor 8 Mobile Application Features

Students can accomplish many tasks through Ekattor 8 Mobile

  • Managing student profile

  • Staying updated on upcoming exams

  • Viewing the upcoming/expired exams list

  • Student fees unpaid and pending status

  • Reviewing mark distribution of attended exams

  • Monthly attendance list

  • Weekly class routine schedule

  • Syllabus list

  • Subject list

  • Teacher information

  • Available books & their number of copies

  • Status of Issued books

How to Manage Student Profile?

Managing Student Profile

Admin has the authority to create a new student profile from the Admin panel. Once students have credentials to access their account they can modify their profile information. The steps listed below can be used to edit and update students' accounts and their information:

  • Enter the Email and Password provided by the admin to access the student account.

After checking in, a home screen will appear with the student's name at the top and shortcuts to the functions offered by the Ekattor 8 app.

  • Tap on the option called "Profile".

      In this profile section, your students can modify the information the admin provides. Here they can edit & update;

      • Their profile Picture

      • Their full name

      • Phone Number

      • Gender

      • Their Address

          Then tap on the "Save Changes" button to update the information.

          How to Log Out

          Students can log out anytime if they want to. The below steps might be helpful for that:

          • Tap on the "=" option from the left side of the app bar

          • Tap on the button called "Logout" from the menu bar.

              How to Manage Exams?

              How To View the Upcoming & Expired Exam List

              Students can use this app to keep track of their upcoming exam dates. They can also view the list of past-due exams. The below steps might be helpful for this:

              • Tap on the option called "Exam" from the home screen.

                  • Here students can see the exam list that has expired.

                      • Your students can filter the list by selecting the "Upcoming" button

                      After tapping on the button they will be able to view the upcoming exam information created by the Admin or Instructor.

                      How To Review Marks of Attended Exams

                      Students can review their attended exam marks in the Ekattor 8 app. Here they can view the results of different types of exams. The below steps might be helpful for this:

                      • Tap on the "Marks" option from the home screen.

                          • Select an exam they want to review.

                              • Here students will get information about their past attended exams.

                                  How to Manage Fees?

                                  How To View Pending & Unpaid Fees

                                  Students can use Ekattor 8 mobile applications to view their pending & unpaid fees. The following steps could be useful to achieve this:

                                  • Tap on the "Fee" button from the home screen.

                                      • In this section, they can view all the payments they have made, & their pending & unpaid fees in one place.

                                          • Students can also filter the date & the status to view the list

                                          • Customize their required date

                                              • Select the status paid.

                                              • Tap on the "Filter" button for the information.

                                              • It will show their paid fee list.

                                                  • Select the date and the "Unpaid" status to view the unpaid fees.

                                                  • Tap on the "Filter" button to view the information.

                                                      • Students can pay their fees anytime by clicking on the button called "Pay" from the unpaid status.

                                                      • In this section, they need to upload their offline payment document and tap on the "Submit payment document" for submitting their payment request.

                                                          • Select the date and the "Pending" status to view the pending fees.

                                                          • It will show their pending payments list.

                                                              How to Manage Academic Activities?

                                                              How To View Attendance List

                                                              Students can view their daily attendance list through Ekattor 8 mobile app. The following steps could be useful to achieve this:

                                                              • Tap on the "Attendance" option from the home screen.

                                                                  • Select the month and year from the filter option.

                                                                  • Tap on the "Filter" button.

                                                                      Here your students will be able to review their monthly attendance list.

                                                                      How To View Class Schedule

                                                                      Students can view their daily class schedule and information about their instructors in the Ekattor 8 mobile app. For this, the below steps might be helpful:

                                                                      • Tap on the "Routine" option from the home screen.

                                                                          • Select the day they want the information about.

                                                                              Here they can view their daily class routine schedule.

                                                                              How To View Syllabus List

                                                                              Students can also view their syllabus list through this app. Get updated on changing schedules & many more. The below steps might be helpful for this:

                                                                              • Tap on the "Syllabus" option from the home screen.

                                                                                  • Select the subject they want to view

                                                                                      Here students can view the list of their syllabus by tapping on the button under the syllabus menu.

                                                                                      How To View Subject List

                                                                                      Students can also check their subject list through the Ekattor 8 mobile application. The following steps could be useful to achieve this:

                                                                                      • Tap on the "subject" option from the home screen.

                                                                                          • Here they will get the list of their subjects.

                                                                                              How To View Teachers List

                                                                                              The Ekattor 8 Mobile Application allows students to view a list of teachers and their positions. The below steps might be helpful to know how it works:

                                                                                              • Tap on the "Teacher" option from the home screen.

                                                                                                  • They can view all the teachers' information in this section.

                                                                                                      • They can also filter the information by selecting the department they want the details about.

                                                                                                        • Students will get the teacher's name & their designation list there.

                                                                                                            How to Manage Back-School Activities?

                                                                                                            How To View Available Books List

                                                                                                            Students can check the available books & their copies in the library through Ekattor 8 Mobile App. The below steps might be helpful for that:

                                                                                                            • Tap on the "Book" option from the home screen.

                                                                                                                Students will get the list of books and their available copies there.

                                                                                                                They can also search by the name of the books.

                                                                                                                How To View Issued Books List

                                                                                                                Students can check the issued books and their status through the Ekattor 8 Mobile App. The below steps might be helpful to know how it works:

                                                                                                                • Tap on the "Book Issue" option from the home screen.

                                                                                                                    • Here they can view the information on their issued and returned books.

                                                                                                                    • If they have issued any book the status will be marked as "Pending"

                                                                                                                    • If they have returned the book the status will be marked as "Returned"

                                                                                                                        Students can also edit, update and view the required information from the menu bar as well by clicking on the "=" option from the left side of the home screen.

                                                                                                                        How To Delete A Student Account

                                                                                                                        Students have permission to delete their accounts. They can delete their account anytime if they want to. The below steps might be helpful to delete your student account:

                                                                                                                        • Tap on the "Profile" option from the home screen.

                                                                                                                            • Tap on the "Delete" button from the "Delete Your Account"

                                                                                                                                • Tap on the "Yes" button for confirmation.

                                                                                                                                    Your student account will be deleted.

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