Ekattor 8

74 Articles

Technical Details

Ekattor 8 has a few system requirements. To run the application, you have to make sure that your web server meets the following minimal prerequisites:

  • Built with: PHP
  • Framework: Laravel
  • Php version: 8.1
  • Database: Mysql
  • MySQL Version : > 5.7.0
  • Required server: Apache/Nginx
  • cURL status: Required
  • Mod rewrite module status: Required
  • DOM PHP status: Required
  • Fileinfo PHP status: Required
  • Filter PHP status: Required
  • Hash PHP status: Required
  • Mbstring PHP status: Required
  • OpenSSL PHP status: Required
  • PCRE PHP status: Required
  • PDO PHP status: Required
  • Session PHP status: Required
  • Tokenizer PHP status: Required
  • XML PHP status: Required
  • Minimum Required Physical Memory: 1 GB

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